Get 100+ essential bots for Telegram that will make your work easier

 In today's post, I will share with you some Telegram bots, which will make your daily digital work easier.

So it can be assumed that you are going to get a lot of help from this post today.

PDF to images converter bot

  • @Pdf2imgbot
  • @pdfbot
  • @Gpdfbot
  • @aio_pdfbot
  • @FileConvertBot

YouTube video downloader bot

  • @utubebot
  • @MWYouTubeDL_Bot
  • @TG_Y2bot
  • @Download4u_bot
  • @UploadsRobot
  • @CrazyYoutubeBot
  • @YtbDownBot
  • @AnySaveBot
  • @allsaverbot
  • @invidious2_bot
  • @Gozilla_bot
  • @BetaYTDLBot
  • @youtubednbot
  • @YouTubeV2DXBot

Image to text conversion bot:

  • @Image2Text_OCR_bot
  • @SmartFileUtilsBot
  • @Copyimages_bot
  • @the_ocr_bot
  • @hackertypo
  • @Photo2text_bot
  • @Copytextfrompicsbot
  • @tesseract_ocr_bot
  • @trans4mer_bot
  • @MR_OCR_Bot
  • @ce_ocr_bot
  • @bacakubot

Well, many of us sometimes need to download the full playlist of YouTube videos, then we can easily download the full playlist of YouTube videos using the following bots.

YouTube Playlist Downloader BOT

  • @playlistHEXbot
  • @YtbDownBot [Paid]
  • @Playlist_dl_Robot
  • @CrazyPlaylistBot
  • @YouTube_Nsbot

YouTube Video Subtitle Downloader

  • @utubesubtitlebot

YouTube Video Thumbnail Downloader Bot

  • @ThumbnailerBot

To download Android Game and App:

  • @apkdl_bot
  • @uploadbot
  • @AppFollowBot
  • @ApkManagerBot
  • @PremiumAppBot
  • @ApkfiledownloaderBot
  • @DownloadApp_Apk_bot

Temporary / fake mail bots:

  • @TempMail_org_bot
  • @etlgr_bot
  • @fakemailbot
  • @tmpmailbot
  • @Tmailsbot
  • @WWPagerBot
  • @DropmailBot
  • @TrafficRobot
  • @TempMailBot

Bot for weather forecasting

  • @fcstbot
  • @TheLairBot
  • @Weathery_robot
  • @the_weather_info_bot

Text-to-voice bots:

  • @TextTSBot
  • @TTSBot
  • @textspeechybot
  • @linguanexbot

Voice-to-text bots:

  • @voicybot
  • @transcriber_bot
  • @ToBot

Beautiful Beautiful Wallpaper Download BOT

  • @wallpaperscraftBot
  • @awesomewallsbot
  • @Amazing_WallpaperBot
  • @WallpaperDL_bot
  • @WallpaperLandBot
  • @Channel3auto_bot
  • @PixabayBot

Password generator bots:

  • @KeyGeneratorBot
  • @strongpasswordgenerator_bot
  • @generate_password_bot
  • @EasyStrongPasswordBot
  • @passgenbot
  • @TheHasherBot
  • @FunctionsRobot
  • @SimpleStrongPasswordGeneratorBot

Bot for taking screenshots from websites

  • @siteshot_bot
  • @screenshot_url_bot
  • @html_to_pdf_bot
  • @sitehunterbot
  • @FunctionsRobot

Bots for translating content in images

  • @bacakubot
  • @Translate4you_bot

Phonetics recognition bots:

  • @iSoundBot
  • @acknobot
  • @auddbot
  • @SongIDbot
  • @FlacStoreBot
  • @YaMelodyBot
  • @JazamBot
  • @MusicReco_bot
  • @VoiceShazamBot

Image search bot

  • @Pic
  • @Bing
  • @goglimgbot
  • @filmresoucrebot
  • @PixabayBot
  • @saints_bot
  • @ispicbot

Interpretation bots:

  • @TranslateBot
  • @YTranslateBot
  • @g_translate_bot
  • @TranslateRuBot
  • @the_translatorBot
  • @lang_translate_bot
  • @BabelgramBot
  • @Translate4you_bot
  • @easoadbot
  • @langtransbot

File Rename bot

  • @SmartRenamerBot
  • @RenameTGBot
  • @HK_rename_BOT
  • @RenamerZBoT
  • @RenameHeXBot
  • @BG_Rename_Bot
  • @rocktheparty_bot
  • @renamee_bot
  • @AnyRenamer_bot

To shorten the link:

  • @chotaurlbot
  • @BitlyBot
  • @SmallURLbot
  • @newurlshortenerbot
  • @link_expertBot
  • @TGShortyBot
  • @BitIyRoBot

Short URL Decode bot

  • @link_expertBot
  • @Unshortbot
  • @UnshortURLbot

Bot to take screenshot from video

  • @scsht_bot
  • @screenshotit_bot
  • @ScreenCaptureBot
  • @TG_ScreenShotBot
  • @Vidrox_Bot

Source image search bot

  • @IMGSauceBot
  • @SauceNAObot
  • @GoogleLens_Bot
  • @GoogleSearchRobot
  • @reverseSearchBot

Dictionaries bots

  • @UrbanDictionaryBot
  • @WorkingDictBot
  • @dictionary_arBot
  • @oxforddictionary_bot
  • @JapanDictBot
  • @WikimologyBot
  • @WordSenBot
  • @DictionBot
  • @LexicoBot

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